Saturday, May 7, 2011

Downtown Aquarium

     One of the most interesting things that I had been looking forward doing since I came to Denver was visiting the aquarium. I have visited an aquarium once in my life when I was a kid. Now, as an adult, the visit to the aquarium would be more special. 
     During one of the school days, I figured out that my friend Alaa is also interested in visiting the aquarium, so we decided to plan together to visit the Aquarium with our families on the next Saturday.
      The plan was the following. First, the gathering point will be at University of Denver station, then we'll take the E line to Invesco feild at Mile High. after that we'll walk to the aquarium for 20 minuets.  Second, after exploring the aquarium we'll have lunch at Cheese Cake Factory. Finally, we are going to walk in the Downtown. 

     On Saturday, at 9:30 am the journey began. When we got of from the light rail we walked by the river and took some pictures. The weather was sunny and warm which was a perfect weather for walking. At 10:30 we were standing in front of the Downtown Aquarium. The area looked very nice, so we were very excited.

 There was a machine that blows bubbles in the air, and children were chasing these bubbles. It was really a cute view that made our hearts happy. In the aquarium we saw the different kinds of fishes and under sea creatures. I liked the ducks, the big turtle, and the sharks. Although the aquarium design and creatures were unique, it was a little bit strange to see a tiger there!  

After we had had a nice tour in the aquarium we started to feel hungry, so we went Downtown to have a fancy lunch at Cheese Cake Factory. It is Alaa's favorite restaurant, and it really was good. 

Finally we walked about two hours in 16th street mall. It was my first time to see the Downtown. I liked the place so much especially because I was with a very nice company. Finally, I have to Thank my nice friend Alaa and her lovely family for the wonderful time we had together that day.

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