Sunday, April 10, 2011

Cherry Creek Park

On Saturday, we went to Cherry Creek Park. The weather was great, so we decided to walk to the park. It took us an hour of walking, but it was an hour of enjoyment because of the outstanding views.

While we were walking, we saw a lot of people walking, running, or riding their bikes. Truly, the best thing I saw on our way to the park was a grandmother walking with three of her granddaughters. They were happy and excited, so we greeted them then continue to walk.
We arrived at the park about 6:00 p.m. and started exploring it. But unfortunately, we only had half an hour to spend it in the park before the sunset because the way home will take an hour! 
Our highest priority was to see the lake and take some photos. In fact it was very exciting to see the geese walking and swimming. 

In Cherry Creek Park you don't just watch the lake! But there are places were you can grill and have a nice meal. Many families were sitting around the lake eating, playing, and enjoying their time. 
We have stayed in Cherry Creek Park for about an hour and now its time to go home.

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